Thursday, August 21, 2008


When we meet new people, we think of our past experience of those who remind us of the person who we happen to be meeting. These can be examples of people we knew in real life or how people are portrayed in the many different forms of media.

Stereotypes are impossible to avoid. Humans can't help but attach them to those who we don't even know. So much entertainment feeds off horrible stereotypes that we can't help but let them invade our everyday thoughts. Even if stereotypes don't permeate our lives, what causes them to seem so prevalent in society?

We obviously see some people who live up to their stereotypes; if this didn't happen, we wouldn't let those stereotypes last through multiple generations. But what makes a stereotype? Perhaps it is a large group of individuals who act a certain way that cause judgments to be cast. In that case, a small group of people have helped to label an entire group of people. But what if this isn't true? Perhaps a stereotype is a preconceived rumor that people conform to. What if the stereotype forms the people instead of vice versa? Then in that case, we would be adjusting to other people telling us how to act. Either way, stereotypes cause many misplaced misconceptions in humans who hear them. No matter if the stereotype is the cause or the effect, we need to allow them to be abolished or at least diminished.

Currently listening to Amy Winehouse and Marilyn Manson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always felt a stereotype was formed by the "brainwashing" (good or bad) that happens by someones parents. As for where there's came from, I would say it came from a time when it was true and stayed until it became a stereotype instead of truth. But that is just my opinion on it.