Monday, August 18, 2008


Humans mainly communicate by talking to one another. Words have a specific meaning which is defined in the dictionary as the standard meaning as a word. This has absolutely no room for interpretation. But humans connect moods, emotions, and experience to certain words that then create either a positive or negative stamp on our minds.

An explicit definition of a word is known as the denotation, meaning the dictionary definition of a word. There is no room for debate about meanings of words on this side, but that is not true with connotations of words. A connotation of a word varies from person to person, but it is the implied meaning of a word. Both are a vital parts of conveying a message to an audience, but usually a writer depends on assumed connotations to nail their point by using words with heavier meanings that leave an impact.

Some words have implications that are positive. The denotations of house and home are practically the same, but the connotations are where the differences arise. A house is usually seen as a place where someone lives, but a home is someplace that is comfortable and full of warmth. Home has certain positive feelings that follow to change the way someone uses the word. Another example of how connotations affect our interpretation of words is the difference between freedom fighter and terrorist. Both are defined as people who engages in armed rebellion or resistance against an oppressive government. Freedom fighters are usually seen as heroes as they fight; terrorists are the source of fear in masses of people.

Connotations can change the way we are affected by words, but why do we let the implied meaning weigh more heavily than the literal definition? Perhaps we are more affected by our own experience more than what we are taught in school or from a dictionary. Our emotions, since they can make us irrational and unclear in thought, are more personal than more words that have no weight. Changing our ways would be hard, but maybe in the future we could try to lessen the impact that connotations have on us.

Currently listening to Nine Inch Nails and nature.

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