Wednesday, August 13, 2008


We have an easy time looking at the world through out own perspective, that is a given, but that is nothing special to commend. So what is praiseworthy? Trying to break free from a limited perspective that we witness everyday is what we as humans who interact with those who differ from us should strive for.

It is easy to see when someone is attacking you if you are the victim, but what if you are biased towards the attacker? What if you actually take a neutral position? It will always be easy to see the position that you naturally side with. Staying ignorant to the other side will keep people desensitized to how other feel.

Let's take a recent well-known event as an example. On September 11, 2001, nineteen pious men hijacked planes and ran them into buildings in Washington D. C. and New York City, and to Americans, their acts of violence were wrong. As a result of these attacks, we waged war on Iraq. Most of the country was behind the war and found it acceptable that we were attacking Iraqis. Since we were the ones attacking, it was acceptable because we saw ourselves as the victim. Our attitudes would have been different if we were the target of a world power's vengeance, but we were the world power seeking revenge. We saw our actions as justified because that was our position, but the citizens of the Middle East found their actions just as justified. Why such a difference in perspective? Americans didn't bother to open their minds to the opinions of their opposition; this simple action could have prevented such a drawn out battle; a battle that won't be won because neither side will see it from anything but their own view.

We need to keep living nescient to different viewpoints. As humans, we need to accept that we aren't always right just because that is our personal position. If an act is wrong, isn't it equally as wrong when we are the victims? Of course it is, but it may take some time for all of us to accept this viewpoint. After all, it isn't how we currently view this position.

Currently listening to the Olympics.

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