Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Doing activities that are different than normal is always difficult. Going out of your comfort zone after staying in it for so long is very awkward for anyone, but when you are forced out, meeting new people in a new environment is crucial.

A new environment can be terrifying; being placed in an unfamiliar locale can distort the actions which may seem normal. And with a new environment comes new people, places, and customs. The individuals accustomed to the area are also aware of how things normally work, but people new to the area feel as if they are walking among broken glass.

Meeting new people is hard. People normally have a problem letting a new person into their life, even the slightest bit. When meeting new people, quick judgment among those who are native or familiar with the area is inevitable. Also, when meeting a new person, each individual introducing themselves feels wary of the quick judgment that will be placed upon them. It is impossible to know whether or not your new acquaintance will hate what is about to come out of your mouth, and you are quite conscious of this fact.

But why are we so miserable when placed in new situations? Perhaps it is because we are out of our normal situation and around strange individuals. Once humans establish themselves in an area, they become comfortable there and fear change from what took them so long to adjust to. But when forced to adjust, maybe the uncomfortable feelings that come with it help us to adapt to our new situation.

Currently listening to The Beatles, Three Days Grace, and Linkin Park.

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